This brutally long, eighteen-hour climbing day took place exactly three days before I was to go in for a knee arthroscopy. So, with my face sunburned into raccoon eyes from my glacier goggles, I went in for the operation, where my doctor asked me what I had been doing to create such a look. I told him that I had climbed Mt. Adams over the weekend, which led to a most-disapproving glance from he and the anesthesiologist alike. I simply replied with, “Why do you think I’m here?” We all laughed as the anesthesiologist lowered the mask over my face and all faded to black as the surgeon cut away.
Surprisingly, about a year after this climb and after I had moved from Portland back to Chicago, I received a letter in the mail from the special ops guy. He wrote to explain to me that he had been suffering from liver cancer the year previous to our climb and had even had his last rights read to him while in the hospital. He then revealed that one morning, on the verge of death, he awakened to a wintry day with a spectacular four-mountain view from his Portland hospital bed. It is rare to have a view of the mountains at all in Portland in the winter, when it is completely socked-in with clouds and rain, let alone have a four-mountain view of Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood and Mt. Jefferson, all covered in fresh snow and glistening like freshly polished diamonds in the intense morning sun. He said it was right then and there that he not only decided that he was going to live, but also that he was going to climb all four of those mountains.
Amazingly, this climb of Mt. Adams was the first real physical activity he had undertaken since recently finishing his chemotherapy treatments. His body depleted, he told me in his letter that he drew great inspiration from me that day as he watched me limp up and down that mountain for eighteen hours on essentially one good leg. I am extraordinarily pleased to say that this previously not- interested-in-climbing special ops guy did climb all four peaks, and is, in fact, now a member of Portland’s renowned mountain rescue team, often saving lives on Mt. Hood and elsewhere. Additionally, he is well past the crucial, five-year cancer survival benchmark and is thriving, even making it to my wedding 18 years after our climb together. I may have inspired him on that particular day, but he has since inspired me for my lifetime.